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BBBAAAAAWWWWW is the sound they make…. that's descriptive enough, right?

Tag Archives: pets

Growing up we had a variety of pets: hamsters, fish, cats, dogs, and at one point a squirrel.

The very first dog we had as a family (ie: I was born and alive, and this blog is all about me, so any dogs had before my triumphant entry into this world don’t count) was a Keeshond named George (named after the musical inĀ  my dad’s theater at the time, Sunday in the Park with George, and all those Looney Tunes cartoons with the loveable doofus, the Abominable Snowman who constantly asked “Which way did he go George, Which way did he go?”).

We we born around the same time, me and George, so I always considered him my brother. We had lots of fun growing up, such as pulling his tail….

and taking him to the park nearby when it snowed and tried to trickĀ  him by leading him with false prints in the show. He always found us.

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I am working on a proper blog post because I would like to blog something everyday, and because it is almost midnight where I am, and I am not done with it, I wanted to post something. So I want to introduce you to my rats, Brisby and Basil

Brisby Says Hi

Basil, however, is more interested in that corner

I bought them on September 1st, so that is officially their birthday as far as I’m concerned, and their tails are sooo long! I’m also just crazy about their front paws.

I used to like the movei Ratatouille – and I still do, though that in no way influenced my decision on buying rats. What sold me on them was learning about them as pets.They’re smart and funny and playful and like to be interacted with.

Basil likes being held, and Brisby does not. She instead prefers to run away from my hand, unless there’s food in it, or climb up it and go for a run around the house. Or really the dirty laundry, because that’s the only place I allow them to play since they have to stay in my room.

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